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  • Meg Hibbs

April Fool's

To most, April Fool's is a day filled with pranks, laughs, and jokes. Growing up, my aunt would always keep the spirit of the holiday alive. It also just so happened to be her birthday! When I was about 7, to celebrate she duped my cousin and I with fake fried eggs. We thought this was hilarious, and we thought she was hilarious. During my childhood, Aunt Beth was my second favorite person, after my mom. In many ways, she was a second mother to me. I always thought she was so cool.

She always knew how to fix my "bad belly" or tummy aches.

She always had mints in her purse for mass on Sundays.

She always took me to Target for popcorn and slurpees.

She always made sure my grandma was doing well.

She always let me help her bake cookies, brownies, anything really.

She always invited me over to spend the night at her house for sleepovers.

She always gave me cards, even for the smallest occasion.

She always dotted her i's with stars.

She always wore cute little pins for each holiday.

She always took me to McDonald's for St. Patty's Day shamrock shake.

She always gifted generously to her loved ones.

Basically, she was awesome. My aunt was honest and not afraid to say what was on her mind. Not to mention, she raised my cousins, whom I adore. They treat me like their little sister, and I have looked up to them forever.

Each April Fool's, I take a second to reflect on what an impact she made on my life. She passed away nearly four years ago now. When I was realize how long it has been, I thank God for allowing her to live on in my mind and in my heart. My cousin, Chelsea, still says phrases that remind me of her. I talk about her, visit her gravesite, and pray for her. Aunt B, I love you so much. Happy birthday.

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