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  • Meg Hibbs

A Valentine's Surprise

I will gladly admit that I am attached to my boyfriend. I love him, I love his company, and I love when we spend time together. We are at the point in our relationship that it is strange when we are apart for extended periods of time. It’s been over a year, and we have officially reached “package deal” status. His parents know, my parents know, our friends know. Basically, everyone knows.

Much to my dismay, I'm a credit short from graduating. So, to fix that issue, this weekend I am taking a one-credit class. It runs from 6-10pm tonight, Friday, and 8:30am-5:30pm tomorrow, Saturday. This is wild to me, but I justified the weekend course over a semester-long stunt to save on gas and to focus on my other classes. Also, Shane is “on-duty” (he’s an RA at Grand Valley) this weekend, so there is basically no way we can see each other. I *was* devastated. UNTIL…

I found out three days ago that I do not have to work on Monday or Tuesday (I am a substitute teacher) because of a raffle ticket free day!! Thank you, private school.

Monday is Valentine’s Day, which means God is good. So, I sent a quick text to his mom, and we brainstormed. I told a little white lie that I am in fact working at Brother Rice Monday AND Tuesday. He has an exam Tuesday, so this should also keep him at school. Weirdly enough, I am worried about him trying to pull a similar stunt. We are more alike than I feel comfortable admitting. I’m praying this surprise remains a surprise.

Here’s the plan.

  1. Confuse-Get to Grand Valley at the crack of dawn to slide his Valentine’s card under his door, which will confuse the crap out of him. My guess is he will assume I somehow gave it to one of his RA friends, or he will know I am there. Probably the latter; we have telepathy, I swear.

  2. Surprise-He goes to the dining hall every day for breakfast, typically as soon as they open, at 7:30 am… I will non-chalantly stand by the omelet station. He has them every single day. Boom, he walks in, looks around, sees me, and freaks.

  3. Gift-Shane is very easy to please, but more importantly, I do not want him to feel bad about not having my present yet (I got him new swim trunks for our spring break trip), since we are planning on celebrating next weekend. So, I will present him with his favorite protein bars instead.

  4. Hug-I love hugs. He will inevitably get “misty.” I may or may not… Ok, I will.

  5. Enjoy-We will go our separate ways so he can go to class, then meet back up to go to the gym together. Then, we will finish up the day having dinner that his mom is packing us, and maybe some cookie pizza, too.

That’s basically the surprise. He will be in shock, and I am KNOWN to be terrible at surprises. Hopefully this time around is a different story. Updates to follow next week:) Until then!

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